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Using code smells to refactor to more OO code (an example with temporary field, solution sprawl and feature envy)

Published by Manuel Rivero on 14/03/2024

Refactoring, Code Smells, TypeScript, Design Patterns


During our deliberate practice program[1], we were working on a modified version of the CoffeeMachine kata[2]. After some sessions we had implemented the following functionality documented by the tests:

Tests describing the behaviour of the coffee machine.
Tests describing the behaviour of the coffee machine.

which was implemented by the following code in the CoffeeMachine class:

import {Drink} from "./drink";
import {DrinkMakerDriver} from "./drink-maker-driver";
import {OrderProcessing} from "./order-processing";
export class CoffeeMachine {
private orderProcessing: OrderProcessing;
private readonly priceTable: Record<Drink, number>;
private readonly drinkMakerDriver: DrinkMakerDriver;
constructor(priceTable: Record<Drink, number>, drinkMakerDriver: DrinkMakerDriver) {
this.drinkMakerDriver = drinkMakerDriver;
this.priceTable = priceTable;
selectCoffee(): void {
selectTea(): void {
selectChocolate(): void {
selectOrangeJuice(): void {
selectExtraHot(): void {
addOneSpoonOfSugar(): void {
addMoney(amount: number): void {
makeDrink(): void {
if (!this.orderProcessing.isOrderReady()) {
if (!this.orderProcessing.isThereEnoughMoney()) {
private missingDrinkSelectionMessage(): string {
return "Select a drink, please";
private missingMoneyMessage(): string {
const missingMoney = this.orderProcessing.computeMissingMoney();
return ` not enough money (${(missingMoney.toFixed(1))} missing)`;
private resetOrderProcessing(): void {
this.orderProcessing = new OrderProcessing(this.priceTable);

and the OrderProcessing class:

import {Drink} from "./drink";
import {Order} from "./order";
export class OrderProcessing {
private readonly MAX_SPOONS_OF_SUGAR: number = 2;
private readonly priceTable: Record<Drink, number>;
private selectedDrink: Drink;
private extraHot: boolean;
private spoonsOfSugars: number;
private money: number;
constructor(priceTable: Record<Drink, number>) {
this.priceTable = priceTable; = 0;
this.spoonsOfSugars = 0;
this.extraHot = false;
isOrderReady(): boolean {
return this.selectedDrink !== undefined;
selectDrink(selectedDrink: Drink): void {
this.selectedDrink = selectedDrink;
isExtraHot(): void {
if (this.selectedDrink === Drink.OrangeJuice) {
this.extraHot = true;
addOneSpoonOfSugar(): void {
this.spoonsOfSugars = Math.min(
this.spoonsOfSugars + 1,
createOrder(): Order {
return new Order(this.selectedDrink, this.extraHot, this.spoonsOfSugars);
addMoney(amount: number): void { += amount;
computeMissingMoney(): number {
return this.getSelectedDrinkPrice() -;
isThereEnoughMoney(): boolean {
return >= this.getSelectedDrinkPrice();
private getSelectedDrinkPrice(): number {
return this.priceTable[this.selectedDrink];

Most of the logic to create the Order that is later passed to the DrinkMakerDriver has been moved to the OrderProcessing class. This class originally started as an OrderBuilder (see Builder design pattern) with the idea that it would gradually build an Order as the user selected how they wanted their drink to be. At some point, we decided not to use the name of the pattern to name the class, and we came up with the idea of calling it OrderProcessing, although, in essence, it was still a builder.

One thing that didn’t fit, though, was that there was a case of Temporary Field code smell in OrderProcessing: the value of the selectedDrink field was not being set on the constructor of the class and it remained undefined until the selectDrink was called. Moreover, the value of the selectedDrink field is used to control the flow of the processing of an Order because an Order can’t be placed until a drink has been selected (if the user tried to make a drink before selecting it, the user was notified that it was not possible and a drink should be selected first). Besides, not all drinks can be extra hot. There was no clear way to remove this Temporary Field.

A Temporary Field code smell is usually telling us that there might be a missing abstraction, but knowing which one is not so easy. In this case, there were two separate stages in the processing, one before selecting a drink and another one after selecting the drink. Those two stages of the order processing might be modelled using the following state machine:

State machine for the processing of an order.
State machine for the processing of an order.

See how the transition between the first state and the second one is caused by the first time a drink is selected, and the transition from the second state to the first one is caused by making a drink.

In the code part of the order processing logic was leaking into the makeDrink method of the CoffeeMachine class instead of being instead of being wholly contained in the OrderProcessing class:

export class CoffeeMachine {
// ....
makeDrink(): void {
if (!this.orderProcessing.isOrderReady()) {
if (!this.orderProcessing.isThereEnoughMoney()) {

Notice how we had to add the isOrderReady predicate to ask OrderProcessing if an order is ready to be placed. This predicate was required to alleviate the missing abstractions representing the two phases of the order processing we mentioned before. makeDrink was also using other two methods of OrderProcessing: the isThereEnoughMoney predicate to ask if there’s enough money to pay for the order, and the createOrder method of OrderProcessing to create an Order object. So, there was a Feature Envy code smell because the makeDrink method manipulated more features of the OrderProcessing class than from its own.

Besides, since the responsibility of making a drink was sprawled across the CoffeeMachine and OrderProcessing classes, there was a Solution Sprawl code smell[3] as well.

OrderProcessing, even though it was an interesting abstraction, was not well designed.OrderProcessing was not an honest name yet.

The refactoring.

Tell don’t ask.

We wanted to refactor our original code to an explicit state machine using the state design pattern. The problem to do that was to find a common interface for both states.

The interface of OrderProcessing was in the way. OrderProcessing had some methods following a typical builder’s interface (some methods that incrementally configure the object that we want to create plus a method that returns the built object) and the two predicates that we mentioned before, isOrderReady and isThereEnoughMoney, that were needed because createOrder could not be called without having previously selected a drink and having enough money.

A possible option that could have been considered was to continue insisting on the idea of a builder and return different types depending on the moment in which createOrder was being called. Those types would have represented either a valid order, or an invalid order due to different reasons (not selected drink or not enough money). There are different ways to implement this option, but all of them except using some kind of polymorphism on the returning type would complicate the client of OrderProcessing, CoffeeMachine, with checks on the returned type that would result in a Special Case code smell and thus a violation of the Liskov Substitution principle. A solution using polymorphism on the returning type would avoid the Special Case code smell, but will continue to suffer from the Solution Sprawl code smell because the processing of an order would be sprawled among several classes.

In order to get to a better solution, we needed to first fix the Feature Envy code smell in the makeDrink method of the CoffeeMachine class. Once responsibilities were assigned to the right objects, the other code smells would become easier to fix.

If you think about the style of the code in makeDrink is an “ask” style in which we’re pulling all the information to one place in order to decide what to do. A better way of structuring this code would be to follow a “Tell don’t ask” style[4]. So we moved the makeDrink method to the OrderProcessing class. Notice how to do that we had to pass the DrinkMakerDriver collaborator as a parameter to the new method. We also renamed the makeDrink method to placeOrder.

This is the code of theCoffeeMachine class after this refactoring:

import {Drink} from "./drink";
import {DrinkMakerDriver} from "./drink-maker-driver";
import {OrderProcessing} from "./order-processing";
export class CoffeeMachine {
private orderProcessing: OrderProcessing;
private readonly drinkMakerDriver: DrinkMakerDriver;
constructor(priceTable: Record<Drink, number>, drinkMakerDriver: DrinkMakerDriver) {
this.drinkMakerDriver = drinkMakerDriver;
this.orderProcessing = new OrderProcessing(priceTable);
selectCoffee(): void {
selectTea(): void {
selectChocolate(): void {
selectOrangeJuice(): void {
selectExtraHot(): void {
addOneSpoonOfSugar(): void {
addMoney(amount: number): void {
makeDrink(): void {
this.orderProcessing = this.orderProcessing.placeOrder(this.drinkMakerDriver);

and this is the code of the OrderProcessing class:

import {Drink} from "./drink";
import {Order} from "./order";
import {DrinkMakerDriver} from "./drink-maker-driver";
export class OrderProcessing {
private readonly MAX_SPOONS_OF_SUGAR: number = 2;
private readonly priceTable: Record<Drink, number>;
private selectedDrink: Drink;
private extraHot: boolean;
private spoonsOfSugars: number;
private money: number;
constructor(priceTable: Record<Drink, number>) {
this.priceTable = priceTable; = 0;
this.spoonsOfSugars = 0;
this.extraHot = false;
placeOrder(drinkMakerDriver: DrinkMakerDriver): OrderProcessing {
if (!this.isOrderReady()) {
return this;
if (!this.isThereEnoughMoney()) {
return this;
return this.resetOrderProcessing();
selectDrink(selectedDrink: Drink): void {
this.selectedDrink = selectedDrink;
isExtraHot(): void {
if (this.selectedDrink === Drink.OrangeJuice) {
this.extraHot = true;
addOneSpoonOfSugar(): void {
this.spoonsOfSugars = Math.min(
this.spoonsOfSugars + 1,
addMoney(amount: number): void { += amount;
private createOrder(): Order {
return new Order(this.selectedDrink, this.extraHot, this.spoonsOfSugars);
private computeMissingMoney(): number {
return this.getSelectedDrinkPrice() -;
private isThereEnoughMoney(): boolean {
return >= this.getSelectedDrinkPrice();
private getSelectedDrinkPrice(): number {
return this.priceTable[this.selectedDrink];
private missingDrinkSelectionMessage(): string {
return "Select a drink, please";
private missingMoneyMessage(): string {
const missingMoney = this.computeMissingMoney();
return ` not enough money (${(missingMoney.toFixed(1))} missing)`;
private resetOrderProcessing(): OrderProcessing {
return new OrderProcessing(this.priceTable);
private isOrderReady(): boolean {
return this.selectedDrink !== undefined;

We think that the resulting code after this refactoring has several benefits:

  1. It concentrates all the responsibility of processing an order in the OrderProcessing class which removes the Solution Sprawl code smell.

  2. We removed all the predicate methods that were asking about the state of OrderProcessing objects from its interface. Those methods are now private in the OrderProcessing instead of public. No more Feature Envy code smell.

  3. The creation of an Order is now a private detail of OrderProcessing instead of part of its public interface. We think this makes sense because creating an Order object is just a part of processing an order.

  4. Now OrderProcessing has an interface that makes sense for all the stages of the order processing. Notice how we made the placeOrder method return an OrderProcessing object. This allows placeOrder to reset the order processing.

Introducing missing abstractions to get to the State design pattern.

This new design following the “Tell don’t ask” style enabled us to refactor to the State design pattern. To do it we introduced two classes that represented the two states of processing an order, and had the same interface that OrderProcessing: InitialOrderProcessing and ReadyToPlaceOrderProcessing. See the state diagram below:

State machine for the processing of an order.
State machine for the processing of an order.

This is the code of the two new classes:

class InitialOrderProcessing extends OrderProcessing {
private readonly drinkMakerDriver: DrinkMakerDriver;
private readonly priceTable: Record<Drink, number>;
constructor(priceTable: Record<Drink, number>, drinkMakerDriver: DrinkMakerDriver) {
super(0, 0, false);
this.drinkMakerDriver = drinkMakerDriver;
this.priceTable = priceTable;
placeOrder(): OrderProcessing {
return this;
selectDrink(selectedDrink: Drink): OrderProcessing {
return new ReadyToPlaceOrderProcessing(
selectExtraHot(): OrderProcessing {
return this;
private missingDrinkSelectionMessage(): string {
return "Select a drink, please";
class ReadyToPlaceOrderProcessing extends OrderProcessing {
private selectedDrink: Drink;
private readonly drinkMakerDriver: DrinkMakerDriver;
private readonly priceTable: Record<Drink, number>;
constructor(selectedDrink: Drink,
priceTable: Record<Drink, number>,
money: number,
spoonsOfSugars: number,
extraHot: boolean,
drinkMakerDriver: DrinkMakerDriver) {
super(money, spoonsOfSugars, extraHot);
this.selectedDrink = selectedDrink;
this.drinkMakerDriver = drinkMakerDriver
this.priceTable = priceTable;
placeOrder(): OrderProcessing {
if (!this.isThereEnoughMoney()) {
return this;
return OrderProcessing.start(this.priceTable, this.drinkMakerDriver);
selectDrink(selectedDrink: Drink): OrderProcessing {
this.selectedDrink = selectedDrink;
return this;
selectExtraHot(): OrderProcessing {
return this;
private createOrder(selectedDrink: Drink): Order {
return new Order(selectedDrink, this.isExtraHot(), this.getSpoonsOfSugars())
private restrictExtraHot(selectedDrink: Drink): void {
if (selectedDrink === Drink.OrangeJuice) {
private isThereEnoughMoney(): boolean {
return this.getMoney() >= this.getSelectedDrinkPrice(this.selectedDrink);
private composeMissingMoneyMessage(): string {
const missingMoney = this.computeMissingMoney();
return ` not enough money (${(missingMoney.toFixed(1))} missing)`;
private computeMissingMoney(): number {
return this.getSelectedDrinkPrice(this.selectedDrink) - this.getMoney();
private getSelectedDrinkPrice(selectedDrink: Drink): number {
return this.priceTable[selectedDrink];

Notice how:

  1. The temporary field code smell was removed because the selectedDrink field does not exist in InitialOrderProcessing. Now the field only appears in the other variant of ‘OrderProcessing, ReadyToPlaceOrderProcessing, and it’s assigned a value in the constructor of the class.

  2. Each state of the order processing has its own behaviour and only the required private methods are included in each class. This resulted in more cohesive classes.

  3. The isOrderReady method disappeared because the need for this check was not necessary any more. Passing to polymorphism eliminated it.

  4. The transition from the InitialOrderProcessing state to the ReadyToPlaceOrderProcessing state is provoked by calling the selectDrink method on InitialOrderProcessing, and the transition from the ReadyToPlaceOrderProcessing to the InitialOrderProcessing state is provoked by calling the placeOrder method on ReadyToPlaceOrderProcessing, as indicated in the state machine diagram.

Finally, this is the code of the OrderProcessing class which became an abstract class that contained only the code for the setters shared by the two variants of OrderProcessing. Notice how we made abstract the non shared setters and the placeOrder method. We also used protected accessors to encapsulate OrderProcessing state and avoid the Inappropriate Intimacy code smell[5]:

export abstract class OrderProcessing {
private extraHot: boolean;
private spoonsOfSugars: number;
private money: number;
protected constructor(money: number, spoonsOfSugars: number, extraHot: boolean) { = money;
this.spoonsOfSugars = spoonsOfSugars;
this.extraHot = extraHot;
static start(priceTable: Record<Drink, number>, drinkMakerDriver: DrinkMakerDriver): OrderProcessing {
return new InitialOrderProcessing(priceTable, drinkMakerDriver);
abstract placeOrder(): OrderProcessing;
abstract selectDrink(selectedDrink: Drink): OrderProcessing;
abstract selectExtraHot(): OrderProcessing;
addOneSpoonOfSugar(): OrderProcessing {
const MAX_SPOONS_OF_SUGAR: number = 2;
this.spoonsOfSugars = Math.min(
this.spoonsOfSugars + 1,
return this;
addMoney(amount: number): OrderProcessing { += amount;
return this;
protected setExtraHot(value: boolean): void {
this.extraHot = value;
protected getMoney(): number {
protected getSpoonsOfSugars(): number {
return this.spoonsOfSugars;
protected isExtraHot(): boolean {
return this.extraHot;

All three classes are contained in the same module and only OrderProcessing is exported, so that its different states are hidden from its OrderProcessing clients.


We showed how detecting some code smells and trying to remove them led us to a more cohesive and less coupled design.

The initial code presented several code smells. We started by trying to remove the temporary field code smell but we didn’t find an easy way to remove it. The real obstacle to removing it was caused by other code smells: Feature envy and Solution Sprawl.

Once we removed those smells moving to a more “Tell, don’t ask” style we had the whole responsibility of processing the order in one place and an interface that might be valid for all the different phases of the processing. Then it was easy to move to the state design pattern.

The final code is more cohesive than the original one and explicitly represents the different phases of the order processing.


I’d like to thank to my Codesai colleagues, Fran Reyes and Alfredo Casado for giving me feedback about several drafts of this post.

Also thanks to Audiense’s developers for all their work they put in the deliberate practice sessions. I learn a lot with you.

Finally I’d also like to thank Masud Allahverdizade for his photo.


[1] We are giving this service to several companies.

[2] During our deliberate practice program we use a modified version of the kata in which we introduce other iterations which introduce interesting changes that force some preparatory refactorings or help to apply other concepts.

[3] Solution Sprawl is a code smell described by Joshua Kerievsky in his Refactoring To Patterns book: “when code and/or data used to perform a responsibility becomes sprawled across numerous classes”. Solution Sprawl and Shotgun Surgery address the same problem, a Single Responsibility Principle violation or lack of cohesion, but they are detected differently. Solution Sprawl is detected by observing it in the code, while Shotgun Surgery is detected when trying to change the code.

[4] I like how Christian Clausen calls code using this “Tell don’t ask” style, ”push-based code”, as opposed to a “pull-based code” or code using “ask” style that pulls all the data to a place, does all the calculations, and then delivers the results to somewhere else. Martin Fowler’s Getter Eradicator post goes deeper into the “Tell don’t ask” style and the Feature Envy code smell, getting to the interesting rule of thumb that “things that change together should be together”.

[5] The Inappropriate Intimacy code smell is more general than accessing private members. It is about one class depending on the implementation details of another. Some examples of Inappropriate Intimacy are, for example, knowing that two public methods need to be called in a certain order because of some private implementation detail, or accessing a property to make sure that an object that loads lazily is initialised. See Jason Gorman’s video about this code smell.

Photo by Masud Allahverdizade.

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