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Code smells & Refactoring

The objective of this course is to introduce students to the concept of code smells and start developing their ability to recognize them. We will also practice some techniques to incrementally improve already existing code designs in a safe manner.

Through examples and katas, we will learn about code smells, refactoring techniques and object-oriented design principles. We will also look at the fundamental role of refactoring in software development and reflect on technical debt, refactoring cycles and the economics of refactoring (how to do it responsibly).

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20 hours
On-site or remote
590€ / person
(V.A.T. not included)
For open dates 50% discount for underrepresented groups in technology
I'm interested!
// Contents
Module One (4h)
1. Introduction
2. Code smells & Related Refactorings
Code smells in classes
Code smells between classes

Module Two (8h)
3. Good enough design
Design Principles and Heuristics
How they relate with code smells
4. Core Refactorings and refactoring patterns
6 Core Refactorings
Honourable Retreat
Narrowed Change
Parallel Change
Tips to go on learning about refactoring

Module Three (8h)
5. Hexagonal architecture
Testing strategy
Refactoring to hexagonal architecture
6. Workflows and economy of refactoring
// Languages

At the moment the examples and katas are ready for Java, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript and PHP, but if you wish to use another language please let us know.

// Requirements
We will send you an email telling you everything you need to install before the course.
// Who is it intended for?

Primarily for programmers working with the object-oriented paradigm.

// For companies or open to the community

The course can be held for companies (closed for the hiring company) or open to the community. We try to run one open edition every term. Small companies often send people to our open courses. If you would like to be notified of upcoming open editions, please fill in this form.

Please note that courses for companies take place once we have been booked by the client. We will need to know the date at least one month in advance in advance in order to be able to schedule them.

teaching logo Information

20 hours
On-site or remote
590€ / person
(V.A.T. not included)
For open dates 50% discount for underrepresented groups in technology
I'm interested!
¡OK! I am interested in taking the Code Smells & Refactoring Course

If you wish to apply or if you still have any questions about this course, please contact us at or fill out the contact form.

We will try to get back to you as soon as possible!

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